Contacting Passengers as a Chauffeur

Contacting Passengers as a Chauffeur


At Samuelz, our commitment to providing a seamless, peaceful, and excellent service experience underpins every interaction we facilitate between our chauffeurs and passengers. This guide outlines the protocol for chauffeurs regarding when and how to contact passengers, ensuring that we maintain the highest standards of professionalism and respect for our client's privacy and comfort.

Guidelines for Contacting Passengers

General Rule: Direct Contact Prohibition

As a standard protocol, chauffeurs should not directly contact passengers for any reason. Our operations are designed to provide a discreet, efficient, and professional service, ensuring peace of mind for our clients. All communication with passengers is to be handled by our dispatch team to ensure consistency, privacy, and excellence in service delivery.

Exception: Extended Waiting Time

The only exception to this rule applies when a chauffeur has been waiting at the pick-up location for more than 15 minutes past the scheduled meeting time. In such cases, direct contact with the passenger may be necessary to confirm their status and provide assistance as needed. However, even in these circumstances, the following protocol must be observed:

Initial Procedure

If you find yourself in a situation where you've been waiting for more than 15 minutes, first contact our dispatch team to report the delay. Provide them with your current location, the scheduled pick-up time, and any other relevant details.

Dispatch Team Instruction

Only proceed to contact the passenger if specifically instructed to do so by our dispatch team. The dispatch team will evaluate the situation and decide the best course of action, which may include authorizing you to contact the passenger.

Authorized Contact Method

If authorized to contact the passenger, use only the communication method provided by the dispatch team. This could be via a phone call or text message, depending on the passenger's preference and the instructions from the dispatch team.

Communication Etiquette

When contacting the passenger, introduce yourself, mention Samuelz, and politely inquire about their estimated arrival time or offer assistance if they are having trouble locating the pick-up point. Always remain courteous, professional, and respectful of the passenger's time and privacy.

Post-Contact Procedure

After contacting the passenger, promptly inform the dispatch team of the outcome of the communication. Provide details such as the passenger's estimated time of arrival or any specific requests they may have.


Our goal at Samuelz is to ensure a peaceful and excellent travel experience for our clients. Adhering to these communication guidelines helps us maintain the high standards our clients expect from us. If you have any questions or require further clarification on these guidelines, please do not hesitate to contact our support team through the designated channels available to our chauffeurs.
Thank you for your dedication and professionalism in representing Samuelz's brand promise to our clients.

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