Standardized Procedure for Personal Use of Company Vehicles

Standardized Procedure for Personal Use of Company Vehicles


To ensure responsible and compliant use of company vehicles when used for personal purposes, maintaining vehicle condition and adhering to legal and company policy requirements.

Effective Date

1st January 2022

Last Review Date

2nd December 2023

Next Review Date

30th November 2024


Eligibility and Authorization

  1. Only employees in Management are eligible for personal use of company vehicles.
  2. Employees must submit a Vehicle Use Request Form to their supervisor for approval at least 3 days in advance.

Usage Policy

  1. Company vehicles may be used for personal purposes within a radius of [specify distance] from the employee’s residence.
  2. Prohibited uses include but are not limited to any form of commercial activity, illegal purposes, or towing.

Scheduling and Availability

  1. Personal use is subject to vehicle availability and should not conflict with business needs.
  2. Use the Vehicle Scheduling System to check availability and reserve a vehicle.

Driver Responsibilities

  1. Employees must have a valid driver’s license and comply with all traffic laws.
  2. Report any vehicle issues immediately to the Fleet Manager.

Vehicle Maintenance and Care

  1. The employee is responsible for returning the vehicle in clean condition and refueling before return.
  2. Document and report any damages incurred during use to the Fleet Manager.

Insurance and Liability

  1. The company’s vehicle insurance covers personal use within the stated policy limits.
  2. Employees are liable for any traffic violations or fines incurred during personal use.

Cost and Expense Management

  1. Employees are responsible for fuel costs and any other expenses during personal use.
  2. Keep all receipts for record purposes.

Documentation and Record-Keeping

  1. Log personal use in the Vehicle Use Log, including date, mileage, and purpose.
  2. Maintain these records for at least one year.

Policy Compliance and Enforcement

  1. Regularly review compliance with this policy.
  2. Non-compliance or misuse may result in revocation of vehicle use privileges and/or disciplinary action.

Feedback and Policy Review

  1. Provide feedback on this policy by using the thumbs up or thumbs down below and/or providing a comment below.
  2. This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary.


Include Vehicle Use Request Form, Vehicle Scheduling System details, etc.

Document Management

  1. This document is stored in the company's Help Center, accessible under 'Company Policies'.
  2. It is the responsibility of the Fleet Manager to keep this document updated and communicate changes to all employees.

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